Wednesday, May 6, 2009

each fork represents six children under the age of five that have died today. of hunger.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

There is no such thing as Luther's Creed.

I read through the confirmation kid's final exams today. I laughed out loud. These children will be with me next year; they WILL NOT start going to Sunday school with the Sr. high until they KNOW ENOUGH to be in Sr. high Sunday school. I will prepare these children for what they will face in high school. And they listen to me. They know MY rules already.

Altercations (fighting)
Fornication (sex before marriage)
Alterations (drugs)
or Fermentation (alcohol)

And soon they will know more than they ever thought possible about being Lutheran. And they WILL KNOW what VICARIOUS ATONEMENT IS. Hot mutton! About two of them got that. Disgusting.